Sunday, February 13, 2011

Royal St. Vincent and Grenadines Police Officer

I am constantly photographing people in my mind, and often, am frustrated when I don't have a camera in my possession.  I recently started carrying a camera wherever I go, and when I walked into the Mustique police station, I saw this police officer behind the counter.  He consented to a photograph, and I made this exposure with a Canon 5D Mark II, at 1/100 s at f6.3, 400 ASA, hand-held, with a 24-105 mm lens set at 50 mm.  I personally think this is the most versatile lens in the Canon range.  

Saturday, February 12, 2011

No, this is not a Football, this is George Starke, IV.

The thing that struck me about this portrait, is the sheer size of George, III (not the British Monarch, but the former captain of the Washington Redskins) against the tiny personage of his son, George Starke, IV.  The contrast is amazing.


George's wife, Petra, clearly looks better in the jersey than George does.  However, from a portrait perspective, my favorite image is the close-up, because the proximity of the three heads creates greater intimacy, and the adults do not overwhelm the tiny child.  This is the photograph that we made a wall portrait of.